Model Airfield Nesvacily is available to be used for Radio Controlled models of airplanes with either electric motors or combustion engines. Partially it can be used even for RC gliders. Grass runway allows safe flying for almost all wind directions.
The model airfield is placed about 50 km in South-East direction from Prague in beautiful country near the castle Konopiste. In the surrounding of the airfield you can find many attractive tourist targets and good possibilities for recreation like the horse riding, swimming, golf court or bicycling. Directly on the airfield there is the possibility to buy the sight flights.
Model airfield is within the area of public airfield Benesov - Bystrice (on its Northern border) and the visitors or users of model airfield do have the possibilities to use the all features, offered by the public airfield. On the other side it is necessary to obey all safety rules. For this reason each user of model airfield has to announce himself on the control tower of the public airfield. (This rule can be omitted when any official event is organized on the model airfield). Flying on the model airfield has to be realized only above the area in North direction from the model runway, it means on the opposite side to the public airfield so that the regular aircrafts would not be endangered.
Entry Fee: For all contests and other events organized on the model airfield is for all visitors or competitors same - just CZK 50.- (about EUR 1,70) for each entering car independently on the number of persons sitting in the car. In the other days is the entry on the model airfield free.
Insurance: Each pilot of RC model using the model airfield is fully responsible for any damages or injuries caused by his model and it is highly recommended to have for this purposes valid insurance contract.
Access: By car from the main road Praha - Tabor - Ceske Budejovice - Linz follow the sign to town BYSTRICE and than the signs "LETISTE" (means airfield). Reaching the airfield follow signs "MODELARSKE LETISTE" (means model airfield). Coming to the model airfield you are crossing the extension of regular runway so that pay attention to the flying aircrafts!
Refreshments: During the official events there are the refreshment boots directly on the model airfield. Beside of it there is regular restaurant on the public airfield which is opened daily.
Accommodation: Directly on the model airfield you can use your own tents, caravans or mobile homes. Within the distance of 10 km there are many pensions or hotels available.
Airfield GPS data: WGS-84: 490 44' 33,73", 140 38' 41,67"